Global trends in higher education India & abroad

Global Trends in Higher Education India & abroad

Todayโ€™s higher education is dynamic due to the expansion of global markets for education, advancement in technology, and the shifting pattern of the economy. These dynamics include demographics, policy changes and the realization of the role of education in economic development and are affecting enrolment patterns across the world. All these global trends are discussed in higher education events in India, and intentions are made to reframe the future of higher education globally and in India at the Eduverse Summit in 2024.


Higher education expanding its boundaries

The expansion in demand is one of the most significant trends observed in the field of higher education all over the world. With the evolution of economies and the expansion of the middle class around the world, more and more people are demanding education at the tertiary level. This trend is particularly less in emerging economies where higher education demand has historically remained low.

India has forged ahead towards growth in the phase of higher learning and the enrollment rates have shown an upward turn. The enrollment growth is not only the growth in the traditional universities but also encompasses technical and vocational education, which are more relevant in the growing economy.


International student mobility

The second shift in the trend is also connected to students: the number of foreign students enrolled in higher education institutions and their level of mobility. This means that an increased number of students are going to colleges and universities in foreign countries to expand their knowledge and experience new and quality education systems, better employment chances and interact with diverse cultures.


Increased attention on online and distance learning

The COVID-19 pandemic has boosted the use of online and distance learning, and this perspective is set to remain popular as the Internet develops further. Online learning has the potential to allow people living in remote or underserved areas access quality education.

The organizations all across the globe have invested heavily in digital infrastructure through building online platforms and resources for distance learning. This shift was not only beneficial for continuously educating students while the pandemic was going on but also shed light on the positive aspects and possibilities of distance learning. Pupils are now able to take courses from leading universities without actually changing their place of residence, thus making higher education more accessible and affordable.


Equality among students

Gender inequality has improved significantly over the last few decades. Though gender disparities are still present in some areas and study fields. There are states in India and countries around the world where the number of women attending colleges and universities has increased.

Efforts to improve the gender gap have been noted in the developing nations, thus, implying signs of improvements. Efforts like scholarship programs, awareness campaigns, and policies that discourage girlsโ€™ early marriage have helped in the improvement of enrollment. But there are still some important pursuits to change the culture and socio-economical factors which are still preventing gender equality in education.


Economic factors influencing enrollment

It is equally pertinent to understand that, enrollment in higher education is also strongly influenced by economic factors. Development usually is associated with higher expenditures on education โ€“ both on the side of the state and of the family. On the other hand, national and international economic difficulties may consequently imply limited funding of education and low enrolment.


Technological development and the universities

Technologies are thus emerging as the interface that has revolutionized higher education on many fronts. From distance education to advanced research facilities, technology is today improving the learning process as well as making education a reality rather than a dream for many.

Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality are also implemented in the education systems. AI helps to enhance and increase learnersโ€™ achievement whereas VR and AR help build intense learning applications. These technologies can mimic real-life situations making it easier for students to practice and get real-life experiences in their area of training.

If these trends interest you, you can register yourself for the higher education conferences 2024. One of the most-awaited ones is Eduverse Summit India 2024. It is a unique opportunity to connect with global education leaders, policymakers, and innovators to discuss and shape the future of higher education.

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